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Simply the best

Good evening everyone and a happy second advent!

I totally forgot to wish you a happy first advent last week, cause to be honest, I´m not quite in a christmasmood yet and it doesn´t feel like christmas is in 3 weeks. Mad somehow.

But anyways. My week started off on Monday with, would you guess, Enterprise! Yes, like the week before I think or the week before that, much work went into our junior company. But it really did pay off at the end of the week. So, on Monday we did the final editing on our pitch and planned the week ahead. Our third team member got sick so we had to adjust to the situation. It all turned out good though. The following morning, we had the enterprise challenge meath final. Out of over 80 teams, we made it to the last 8 that had to do a final pitch again. As I learned later on this week, the judges were worth billions. There was the Irish minister for Enterprise, business and employment Damien English. Then there was Gavin Duffy, who had been on the Dragons Den UK, which is kinda like “Die Hölle der Löwen”. It went on with the head of the meath enterprise company, who is a millionaire as well. On the other side sat Multi-millionaire Valerie Moran and another millionaire woman, who’s name I sadly can´t remember. (Sincere apologies for that). Anyways, my host sister and I smoothly got through our pitch and had a good day. In the end, we won “Best pitch” and were runners up in the best business start-up. You could call it a successful day. We returned to the school with medals and two trophies. I was very happy and I would never turn down a trophy:) (It didn´t leave my hand until I got home). Altogether, I had a brilliant day and was delighted with the results. (So was my host sister by the way). For a change, we had a considerably normal Wednesday, which was quite nice. It was even better to have the day off on Thursday. We had to use it for production, but it was still a day off school. As always, I had work experience on Friday. Lord, I´m telling you, I love the place. I have the best time there and I really do enjoy my work there. The people are so nice as well. I wish, you´s would be able to see that. Most of you would adore the shop the same way as I do.

Similar to the rest of the week, the weekend was dedicated to our company too. We went to a Christmas market in Virginia on Saturday, which was great and a good trial run for the Sunday. We got to sell a bunch of our pots and got marvelous marketing strategies. We used all of them today (Sunday) where we had the biggest market in our school. We sold nearly all of our pots. That was a relief and it´s nice to know now, that the week is over with such a huge profit. All those hours finally paid off and you have something in your hands.

Apart from that so many other things happened this week. You see, as christmas comes closer, the world suddenly seems to turn faster all over the world. It´s like a miracle and everyone has their own race against time. Firstly, the Pub in Carnaross opened, so now I live a a little village in the middle of nowhere, but my village has a Pub. It´s pretty there and the people did an excellent job with renovating the place. Fair play to them. It opened on the Wednesday night, but it got way fuller on Saturday. It had a reason as well. On Saturday, we went to mass first and afterwards there was a little Christmas get together, where they turned on the Christmas tree lights in as I like to call it “Carnaross downtown”. That was nice, but I would be lying if I told you that it was as good as in Austria. Still, it was a welcomed change. Next to all of these events happening, I still watched as much of the world cup as possible. My football/soccer heart is hanging in there and it brings me joy. In my opinion, that´s what advent is for. What also always makes my day better are my daily advent calendars. My mom made one for me and shipped it over with my dad and it is so nice. I love them to bits. My host sister´s family also shipped over a huge package, which included an advent calendar for everyone in the family. Believe it or not, but I got a BVB-calendar. I was flying when she gave it to me. I couldn´t believe it and was out of my mind. That really made my day then.

What stuck with me for the whole week though was an illness. It started off on Monday and just got worse with each day. My nose is blocked and I have a cough. I lost my voice multiple times over the week and I just feel sick. I hate that and I´m not that used to it either. Luckily, I´m barely sick, but this time, it really got me and because of the circumstances I didn´t get the chance to recover or take a day out for myself. I´m hoping to get that next week. Life isn´t the best when you are not fit.

But I´m keeping up and I don´t want to end the Blog with a negative vibe. The week was good and it had it´s up and downs. The ups definitely overshade the downs, so I´ll hopefully remember them-ones. I hope yous are having a nice advent and keeping up with life. Enjoy the mulled wine-season and cherish the time with your loved ones.

With only the best form the bottom of my heart Emma<3

PS:I added some photos to the gallery ;)


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