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  • emmasummerxy

School start

As I wrote the last time, I´ve started school this week. We had to go to the mall before to get my school uniform and to the school to order the gym clothes. I have to say that the school uniforms are okay. At least in my opinion. I mean, mine isn´t pretty or anything but it isn´t ugly either. My school isn´t that strict anyway, so :) The first day was good. We are about 15 exchange students only in my year, which is quite a lot. All of them are Spanish, with the exception of two others and me. (They are German). But the locals think we are Spanish too, so they attempt to start speaking Spanish to us, which is quite funny, considering I don´t know more than three words in Spanish. But anyway, I have my fun. The teachers are nice too and I got very lucky with the Irish girls. I´m on their good side. I already made friends with them and with other exchange students. That´s great I think. We went on a trip to Carlingford right on the second day and I had a great time. I tried canoeing, peer jumping, sky walking and jumping on a Trampoline on the sea. It was brilliant! I also got to know my classmates better as well as the Irish culture. I don´t get some things here. For example, the Irish people just come together to gossip about other people. I really don´t like that and I don´t support it at all. But as long as I don´t get involved in anything, I let them live their life. Another thing, which I didn´t really think about before or that just never occurred to me, was that the girls here also use fake tan. Man, it looks horrible. Also, none of the girls have short hair. That made me miss my long hair. And it´s still weird, that they drive on the other side, but that has nothing to do with the people. Speaking of preconceptions like the fake tan. I´ve never seen it rain since I`m here. So the rainy Ireland hasn´t revealed itself to me, yet. The sun has been shining nearly every day. I must have brought the sun with me.

But I´m really doing great here! I experience something new/weird every day. Today a cow just stood in front of the window in our garden, while we were cooking lunch. It was hilarious and it was even more fun to get them back on their field. My german hostsister wasn´t having it that much though. I never really realized how much of a villain I am before I came here. There are so many things, I do out of reflects and that seem just normal to me, that are completely new and overwhelming for other people. I have to admit, I watch them struggle and laugh at them first before I help them. I just can´t help it, I know it´s bad.

Oh, and the bouncy castle is gone. It´s not that bad though, because I can train soccer there now. I´m really looking forward to getting started in all the clubs as well. I honestly can´t wait.

So, as you can imagine, I´m enjoying myself here and I´m super grateful for everything I have here. It could be different, and I know that. I just hope that it will stay like this.

Lovely greetings to you Emma <3


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