Before leaving, I had a little “goodbye-party” with some loved ones. Not only did I say goodbye to my favorite people, I also said goodbye to my long hair.I cut about 32cm off
my hair to donate it to cancer-patients. It made me feel delighted, but it´s still weird, but
I like my new look.
With the help of my superhero-family, we had a pretty cool party. We had so much fun, that we didn´t even think about taking pictures. From “Tabu” over to “who am I” ´til “just dance”. We were buzzing. We finished the evening in our cellar, which was great. It was a wonderful, memorable experience with my loved ones! I was very happy and couldn´t have wished for a better time.
For everyone, who wasn´t there. I want to say a goodbye to too, I´m going to miss each and everyone of you so much and am already looking forward to seeing you all again.
Take care
Emma <3
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